The Electrical Wire Processing Technology Expo is the largest dedicated wire processing event of the year held in Milwaukee, May 9-10. Over the course of those two days, visitors can access equipment/tools, instruments, and materials from various suppliers used in the wire and cable industry for development, assembly, inspection, and repair purposes. Specializing in custom interconnectivity solution design and manufacturing, Northwire will have cable specialists and process engineers at booth #1103 to discuss challenging cable design projects.
At the booth this year, the custom cable engineering company invites expo visitors to stop by and put Northwire cable to extreme engineering tests. Northwire will have an interactive tester at the booth that will put a custom, ruggedized cable through a battery of tests including retractability, c-track, crush, flex and more. Visitors will even have the opportunity to control the tests themselves.
In addition to the extreme engineering cable tester, a variety of composite cable and cable assembly samples will be on hand to demonstrate Northwire’s custom hybrid cable capabilities. Whether you have a new device requiring a completely new cable design or a failing cable that needs to be improved, design and process engineers will be available to discuss a solution for specific end application needs.
Northwire Inc., a LEMO Group Co.
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